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CertNexus Training and Certification Courses

CertNexus provides vendor-neutral certifications for professionals in emerging technologies of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cyber Security, Internet of Things (IoT), Data Science and Data Ethics. Kompas Xnet is proud to partner with CertNexus to offer their official exam preparation curriculum.

CertNexus is committed to providing certification programs that ensure employees have best-in-class skill sets to match their organization’s critical technology solutions. CertNexus credentials validate that Business, Data, Development, IT, and Security professionals possess the knowledge and skills required to digitally transform their organization.


AIBIZAI for Business Professionals (AIBIZ)

This course will provide the foundational knowledge of AI that you need to steer your business forward using the benefits of Machine Learning and AI concepts.

GenAIBIZGenerative AI for Business Professionals (GenAIBIZ)

This course offers business professionals with the ability to describe the fundamentals of AI and generative AI; generate text, code, images, video, and audio using generative AI; identify the challenges of generative AI; and implement organizational strategies for generative AI.

CAIPCertified Artificial Intelligence (AI) Practitioner (CAIP)

This course shows you how to apply various approaches and algorithms to solve business problems through AI and Machine Learning.

CertNexus Certification

Review the following to determine your ideal certification path.

cnx pathway

CertNexus Skills Roadmap

cnx roadmap

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*Posredovani podatki bodo uporabljeni izključno za odgovor na vaše vprašanje.

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Odgovorili vam bomo v najkrašem možnem času

Še niste naročeni na naše novice?

Naročite se na Xnet novice in ostanite na tekočem glede novih tečajev, seminarjev, možnosti pridobitve novih certificiranj in akcijskih cen.

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