Microsoft SharePoint tečaj Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016 for the Site Owner/Power User

25.11. - 26.11.2024

Status: Nepotrjen

2 dneva (18 pedagoških ur)


Koda tečaja: 55197

Cena: 960,00 € (brez. DDV)


About this course

This two day class is designed for information workers or power users who serve as SharePoint Site Owners or Site Collection Administrators. Students should take this course if they need to know how to manage the team collaboration, document management and social features of Microsoft SharePoint 2016 sites. This class compliments the 20339-1 course by providing IT Pros with the foundation of permissions and site collection management.

Audience profile

  • SharePoint Site Owners
  • SharePoint Power Users
  • SharePoint Site Collection Administrators
  • SharePoint Administrators and Developers


Before attending this course, students must have:

  • Have strong SharePoint 2010-2016 end user skills or have attended course “55193: Introduction to SharePoint 2016 for Collaboration and Document Management” or similar.
  • Good Microsoft Office skills, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Manage Sites and Site Collections.
  • Add users and groups and manage site, list, folder and item security.
  • Add and configure web parts.
  • Configure site options including theme, title, description and icon.
  • Configure site navigation.
  • View site activity reports.
  • Customize lists and libraries.
  • Configure Check out/in, Content Approval and Versioning.
  • Create and modify pages and web part pages.


Naročite se na Xnet novice in ostanite na tekočem glede novih tečajev, seminarjev, možnosti pridobitve novih certificiranj in akcijskih cen.

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*Prosimo vas, da pred oddajo spodnjega naročila (naročilnice) pazljivo in natančno izpolnete vsa zahtevana polja, saj vam le tako lahko zagotovimo uspešno prijavo na tečaj ali izpit.

Prijavnica (velja kot naročilnica)


Termin tečaja



Po prejetem plačilu vam bomo poslali dodatne informacije in morebitna navodila glede izvedbe tečaja ali opravljanja izpita, na vaš e-poštni naslov. Hvala

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Hvala za uspešno oddano prijavo! Takoj, ko obdelamo vašo prijavo, se vam oglasimo po telefonu ali preko e-mail sporočila.
Hvala za vaše zaupanje. Želimo vam lep in uspešen dan!

Še niste naročeni na naše novice?

Naročite se na Xnet novice in ostanite na tekočem glede novih tečajev, seminarjev, možnosti pridobitve novih certificiranj in akcijskih cen.

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