Tečaj Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution

Status: Nepotrjen

5 dni (45 pedagoških ur)


Koda tečaja: AI102

Cena: 1.350,00 € (brez DDV)


Tečaj s strani Microsofta traja 4 dni, vendar smo ga na Xnetu podaljšali s 4 dni na 5 dni. V dodatnem dnevu si bomo pogledali tematike, ki jih tečaj ne pokriva, primarno trening modelov na lastni infrastrukturi, kjer bomo polovico dneva namenili računalniškemu vidu, drugo polovico pa jezikovnim tehnologijam.

About the course

AI-102 Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution is intended for software developers wanting to build AI infused applications that leverage Azure AI Services, Azure AI Search, and Azure OpenAI. The course will use C# or Python as the programming language.

Audience Profile

Software engineers concerned with building, managing and deploying AI solutions that leverage Azure AI Services, Azure AI Search, and Azure OpenAI. They are familiar with C# or Python and have knowledge on using REST-based APIs to build computer vision, language analysis, knowledge mining, intelligent search, and generative AI solutions on Azure.


Before attending this course, students must have:

  • Knowledge of Microsoft Azure and ability to navigate the Azure portal.
  • Knowledge of either C#, Python, or JavaScript.

To gain C# or Python skills, complete the free Take your first steps with C# or Take your first steps with Python learning path before attending the course.

If you are new to artificial intelligence, and want an overview of AI capabilities on Azure, consider completing the Azure AI Fundamentals certification before taking this one.

Skills gained

  • Create, configure, deploy, and secure Azure Cognitive Services
  • Integrate speech services
  • ntegrate text analytics
  • Create language understanding capabilities with LUIS
  • Create and manage Azure Cognitive Search solutions
  • Create intelligent agents using the Bot Framework
  • mplement Computer Vision solutions
  • Create solutions with Azure Open AI services
  • Prompt engineering

Course Syllabus

  • Module 1: Get started with Azure AI Services
  • Module 2: Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision
  • Module 3: Develop natural language processing solutions with Azure AI Services
  • Module 4: Implement knowledge mining with Azure AI Search
  • Module 5: Develop solutions with Azure AI Document Intelligence


This training prepares you for:

*Certificiranje ni vključeno v ceno

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