Microsoft Razvoj tečaj Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

9.12. - 13.12.2024

Status: Nepotrjen

5 dni (45 pedagoških ur)


Koda tečaja: HCJ501

Cena: 1.350,00 € (brez. DDV)


About the course

In this fast-paced course, you'll learn the fundamentals of client-side web development, starting with the basics of HTML for structuring content. We will cover various HTML elements, attributes, and techniques for building a well-structured web page. Next, you'll dive into CSS to learn about styling your web pages with various properties and selectors, making your content visually appealing. Finally, we will explore JavaScript, a powerful programming language that allows you to add interactivity and dynamic content to your websites. Throughout the course, you'll have the opportunity to work on practical exercises and hands-on examples, solidifying your knowledge and preparing you for real-world web development projects.


  • Comprehensive Coverage: Our courseware covers a wide range of topics, from HTML and CSS fundamentals to JavaScript programming, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of web development.
  • Practical Examples: The course is packed with hands-on examples and exercises, allowing you to apply your knowledge and build confidence in your web development skills.
  • Hands-on Learning: We emphasize learning by doing, ensuring that you get plenty of opportunities to practice and refine your web development skills throughout the course.
  • Engaging Content: Our course content is designed to be engaging and enjoyable, making it easier for you to stay focused and motivated as you learn.
  • Experienced Authors: Our courseware is developed by experts in the field of web development, ensuring that you receive high-quality, up-to-date, and relevant training.

Course Details:

  • Module 1: A Quick Overview of Web Development
  • Module 2: Introduction to HTML
  • Module 3: Paragraphs, Headings, and Text
  • Module 4: HTML Links
  • Module 5: HTML Images
  • Module 6: HTML Lists
  • Module 7: Sectioning a Web Page
  • Module 8: Crash Course in CSS
  • Module 9: CSS Fonts
  • Module 10: Color and Opacity
  • Module 11: CSS Text
  • Module 12: JavaScript Basics
  • Module 13: Variables, Arrays, and Operators
  • Module 14: JavaScript Functions
  • Module 15: Built-In JavaScript Objects
  • Module 16: Conditionals and Loops
  • Module 17: Event Handlers and Listeners
  • Module 18: The HTML Document Object Model
  • Module 19: HTML Forms
  • Module 20: JavaScript Form Validation
  • Module 21: Regular Expressions


  • Basic computer and typing skills.


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