Tečaj ITIL® V4: Foundation

Status: Nepotrjen

3 dni (24 pedagoških ur)

Koda tečaja: ITIL V4 - 4

Cena: 1.350,00 € (brez DDV)


The purpose of the ITIL® Foundation certificate in IT Service Management is to introduce tothe candidates to the management of modern IT-enabled services, to provide them with an understanding of the common language and key concepts, and to show them how they can improve their work and the work of their organization with ITIL 4 guidance. Furthermore, the qualification will provide the candidate with an understanding of the ITIL 4 service management framework and how it has evolved to adopt modern technologies and ways of working.

Course objectives:

  • Understand how the ITIL guiding principles can help an organization adopt and adapt service management
  • Understand the four dimensions of service management
  • Understand the purpose and components of the ITIL service value system
  • Understand the activities of the service value chain, and how they interconnect
  • Know the purpose and key terms of 18 ITIL practices
  • Understand 7 ITIL practices

The target group of the ITIL® Foundation certificate in IT Service Management is:

  • Individuals who require a basic understanding of the ITIL® framework and how it may be used to enhance the quality of IT service management within an organisation.
  • IT professionals that are working within an organisation that has adopted and adaptedITIL® who need to be informed about and thereafter contribute to an ongoing service improvement programme.
  • Anyone who is looking to upgrade their ITIL v3 certification and knowledge.

This may include but is not limited to, IT professionals, business managers and business process owners

There are no formal criteria or pre-requisites for candidates wishing to attend this course, though some familiarity with IT terminology and an appreciation of their own business environment is strongly recommended.

Kotizacija vključuje opravljanje izpita.

The ITIL® courses on this page are offered by ITSM CENTER d.o.o. ATO/Affiliate of AXELOS Limited. ITIL® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.


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