Microsoft Razvoj tečaj Advanced JavaScript Concepts

Status: Nepotrjen

1 dan (8 pedagoških ur)

Koda tečaja: JSC151

Cena: 500,00 € (brez DDV)


About the course

The Advanced JavaScript course serves as a bridge for students with basic JavaScript knowledge who are looking to transition into learning modern JavaScript frameworks, such as React, Vue.js, or Angular. This short, focused course aims to strengthen students' existing JavaScript skills and introduce advanced concepts, preparing them for more complex and specialized web development tasks. By completing this course, students will be well-equipped to explore and master modern JavaScript frameworks, ultimately enhancing their web development capabilities.


  • Targeted Learning: Designed specifically for those with basic JavaScript knowledge, this course provides a clear path for students to advance their skills and transition into modern frameworks or TypeScript.
  • Advanced Concepts: The course introduces advanced JavaScript concepts, ensuring students are well-prepared for the complexities of modern web development.
  • Efficient Learning: As a short, focused course, students can quickly enhance their JavaScript knowledge and move on to exploring modern frameworks or TypeScript without delay.
  • Experienced Authors: Created by industry experts with a deep understanding of JavaScript, the course content is up-to-date, relevant, and tailored to meet the needs of students transitioning to advanced web development topics.

Required Prerequisites

  • Basic JavaScript


  • Node.js
  • Scope, var, let, and const
  • Arrow Functions
  • Rest Parameters
  • Spread Operator
  • Array Destructuring
  • Template Literals
  • Objects, Context, and the this Object
  • Array map() Method
  • Array filter() Method
  • Array find() Method
  • JavaScript Modules
  • npm
  • Customize hands-on JavaScript project


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