Tečaj Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst

28.4. - 30.4.2025

Status: Nepotrjen

3 dni (27 pedagoških ur)


Koda tečaja: PL300

Cena: 960,00 € (brez DDV)


About the course

This course covers the various methods and best practices that are in line with business and technical requirements for modeling, visualizing, and analyzing data with Power BI. The course will show how to access and process data from a range of data sources including both relational and non-relational sources. Finally, this course will also discuss how to manage and deploy reports and dashboards for sharing and content distribution.

Audience Profile

The audience for this course are data professionals and business intelligence professionals who want to learn how to accurately perform data analysis using Power BI. This course is also targeted toward those individuals who develop reports that visualize data from the data platform technologies that exist on both in the cloud and on-premises..


Successful Data Analysts start this role with experience of working with data in the cloud.


  • Understanding core data concepts.
  • Knowledge of working with relational data in the cloud.
  • Knowledge of working with non-relational data in the cloud.
  • Knowledge of data analysis and visualization concepts.

You can gain the prerequisites and a better understanding of working with data in Azure by completing Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals before taking this course.

Skills gained:

  • Ingest, clean, and transform data
  • Model data for performance and scalability
  • Design and create reports for data analysis
  • Apply and perform advanced report analytics
  • Manage and share report assets
  • Create paginated reports in Power BI


This training prepares you for:

*Certificiranje ni vključeno v ceno

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Termin tečaja



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