Sharepoint in BI Solutions

Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft BI solutions

We have a team of experts specializing in services and solutions on Microsoft technologies, who, with the right experience and in-depth technical knowledge, assist you in adapting your IT infrastructure to your business processes and needs. We take care of the necessary planning, supply the appropriate computer equipment, and carry out all required installations and configurations.

SharePoint in BI rešitve

What do we offer in the field of SharePoint and BI solutions?

With SharePoint solutions, you can gain:

Microsoft SharePoint is a powerful collaboration and content management platform that enables organizations to create various solutions to enhance productivity, communication, and information management processes. Key solutions that we can develop for you using SharePoint include:

Intranet portals

Development of centralized intranet portals to improve internal communication, share news, and disseminate important information within the organization.

Document management

Effective document management with powerful features for storing, searching, versioning documents, and sharing.

Collaboration on projects

Enabling teams to collaborate on projects using shared workspaces where they can manage tasks, files, and communication.

Knowledge management

Creating knowledge repositories to collect, organize, and share information and best practices within the organization.

Processes and workflow automation

Automation of business processes and workflows for more efficient management of tasks, document approvals, and processes.

Web applications and services

Development of customized web applications and services integrated into the SharePoint platform to meet specific business needs.

External websites and customer portals

Ustvarjanje varnih zunanja spletnih mest za sodelovanje s strankami, partnerji in dobavitelji.

Support for records management, document retention policies, and compliance with regulatory requirements..

Mobile access and remote work

Ensuring access to documents, applications, and the intranet through mobile devices to support remote work.

Integration with other Microsoft tools

Creating secure external websites for collaboration with customers, partners, and suppliers.

Catalog of SharePoint componentsI want a SharePoint solution.

With BI solutions, you can gain:

Microsoft BI is a powerful platform for collaboration and content management that enables organizations to create diverse solutions to enhance productivity, communication, and information management processes. Key solutions that we can develop for you using SharePoint include:

Document management

Effective document management with powerful features for storing, searching, versioning documents, and sharing.

Intranet portals

Development of centralized intranet portals to improve internal communication, share news, and disseminate important information within the organization.

Collaboration on projects

Enabling teams to collaborate on projects using shared workspaces where they can manage tasks, files, and communication.

Processes and workflow automation

Automation of business processes and workflows for more efficient management of tasks, document approvals, and processes.

Knowledge management/h1> Creating knowledge repositories to collect, organize, and share information and best practices within the organization.

Web applications and services

Development of customized web applications and services integrated into the SharePoint platform to meet specific business needs.

Records and compliance management

Support for records management, document retention policies, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

External websites and customer portals

Creating secure external websites for collaboration with customers, partners, and suppliers.

Mobile access and remote work

Ensuring access to documents, applications, and the intranet through mobile devices to support remote work.

Integration with other Microsoft tools

Creating secure external websites for collaboration with customers, partners, and suppliers.

We have assisted numerous people and organizations.

A testament to our expertise, dedication, and commitment to customer satisfaction.

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I appreciate the support you gave to my team in Ashgabat and I was aware of the services you provide. I will certainly look for opportunities to work with you again. James Bulley - Chief Executive Trivandi

S Kompas Xnetom sodelujemo že vrsto let in vedno so se izkazali kot zanesljiv partner, ki zna prisluhniti željam in potrebam naročnika. Andreja Kerč - vodja kadrov Metronik d.o.o.

Nadgradnja in migracija vseh vsebin in rešitev na intranetnem portalu AJPES je bila izvedena brez težav in v dogovorjenih časovnih rokih. Zaradi navedenega izvajalca vsekakor priporočamo tudi drugim. Marjan Babič - Vodja IT službe, namestnik direktorja AJPES

Odziv udeležencev tečaja je bil zelo pozitiven, večina je tečaj ocenila kot koristen. Zadovoljni smo bili z vsebinsko izvedbo tečaja, pa tudi operativno, saj je tečaj potekal na sedežu našega podjetja. Anamari Šuštar - vodja administracije in kadrov Mimovrste

Kompas Xnet je profesionalno podjetje na najvišjem nivoju. Zanesljiv, profesionalni poslovni partner, ki stoji za svojimi obljubami. dr. Srečko Zupančič - Specialist področja in Janez Selak - Skrbnik IT sistemov - Krka d.d.

"Tečaj je bil zelo primeren za spoznavanje SQL DWN. Še posebej koristne so predavatelje izkušnje, ki mi lahko v prihodnosti privarčujejo marsikateri glavobol." Erik Žunec - Comtrade

Specialisti Kompas Xneta so presenetili upravo Eurodesigna ter BEGOC-a s svojim profesionalnim odnosom, izvrstnim tehničnim znanjem ter prvovrstno izvedbo. Sabir Hagverdiyev - Service Delivery Manager Eurodesign CSC, Azerbajdžan

Bootcamp: "Najboljše izobraževanje ever! Ogromno izmenjave znanja med slušatelji in predavatelji, abnormalna količina novega znanja. Upam, da zadevo še kdaj ponovimo." Jure Klančar - Zavarovalnica Sava d.d.

Izbrana strokovna ekipa sistemskih administratorjev s svojim znanjem, izkušnjami posebej pa z odprtostjo predstavlja vitalni člen v verigi zagotavljanja zanesljivih IT rešitev. Jure Lakota - Direktor IT za regijo Toyota Adria d.o.o.

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