Business IT

Master business skills

In collaboration with external partners, we organize training in the field of business informatics, led by accredited instructors, which can also include official certification upon request. The courses are intended for project managers and other leadership personnel involved in service management and project management in IT, as well as for individuals who wish to familiarize themselves with current methodologies in this area and apply them in their organization.

Managing IT projects and IT service management is a complex process, which is why established methodologies and standards can help us understand what to be mindful of, how to manage resources, and more. There are various methodologies, ranging from the simplest, which provide only rough guidelines, to more complex ones that require organizations to strictly adhere to prescribed instructions. However, since projects and organizations vary widely, there is no one-size-fits-all methodology that would be suitable for everyone.

Poslovna informatika

What IT courses do we offer?

Our goal is to provide high-quality and relevant training that meets both the current demands of the job market and the individual ambitions of our participants.

ITIL tečaji

ITIL course

One possible approach is the implementation of effective IT management based on the ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) methodology. This is a significantly updated collection of best practices covering the entire lifecycle of IT services, ranging from strategy to the withdrawal of services from the production environment. ITIL courses are designed for anyone who wants to learn the terminology and basic concepts of the ITIL methodology, as well as gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of operational service execution processes and the transition of services into implementation.

Prince 2 tečaji

PRINCE 2 course

PRINCE2 (Projects In Controlled Environments) is a process method for effective project management that is widely recognised and used in the private sector internationally. As it allows for less customisation and involves a lot of documentation and human resources, it is too cumbersome for smaller organisations or projects. The training covers an introduction to project management and the PRINCE2™ methodology, identifying the difference between projects and processes, maximising the potential for effective project management, and the entire management process, from set-up to close-out.

SCRUM tečaji

SCRUM course

SCRUM is one of the most popular agile methodologies in the IT industry, defining a flexible and comprehensive product development strategy. It is an adaptable, fast, and efficient methodology that leaves the choice of management details to the development team. A key principle of SCRUM is recognizing that clients may rethink their wants and needs during the project, so it focuses on the team’s ability to respond quickly and meet new requirements. The training is intended for anyone who wants to become a Scrum Master or enhance their knowledge in this area.

If you are interested in how your team can become successful leaders and project holders, visit us at one of our courses or write to us, and we will organize tailored training specifically for your team.

PMI courses

PMI PMBOK - project management course

In project management courses, you will learn how to effectively manage projects, including some key processes and knowledge areas essential for successful execution. You will also become familiar with the fundamental principles based on the recommendations and best practices from the PMI PMBOK (Project Management Institute Project Management Body of Knowledge). The workshops are intended for all project participants who wish to acquire or reinforce their knowledge in the field of project management.

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I appreciate the support you gave to my team in Ashgabat and I was aware of the services you provide. I will certainly look for opportunities to work with you again. James Bulley - Chief Executive Trivandi

S Kompas Xnetom sodelujemo že vrsto let in vedno so se izkazali kot zanesljiv partner, ki zna prisluhniti željam in potrebam naročnika. Andreja Kerč - vodja kadrov Metronik d.o.o.

Nadgradnja in migracija vseh vsebin in rešitev na intranetnem portalu AJPES je bila izvedena brez težav in v dogovorjenih časovnih rokih. Zaradi navedenega izvajalca vsekakor priporočamo tudi drugim. Marjan Babič - Vodja IT službe, namestnik direktorja AJPES

Odziv udeležencev tečaja je bil zelo pozitiven, večina je tečaj ocenila kot koristen. Zadovoljni smo bili z vsebinsko izvedbo tečaja, pa tudi operativno, saj je tečaj potekal na sedežu našega podjetja. Anamari Šuštar - vodja administracije in kadrov Mimovrste

Kompas Xnet je profesionalno podjetje na najvišjem nivoju. Zanesljiv, profesionalni poslovni partner, ki stoji za svojimi obljubami. dr. Srečko Zupančič - Specialist področja in Janez Selak - Skrbnik IT sistemov - Krka d.d.

"Tečaj je bil zelo primeren za spoznavanje SQL DWN. Še posebej koristne so predavatelje izkušnje, ki mi lahko v prihodnosti privarčujejo marsikateri glavobol." Erik Žunec - Comtrade

Specialisti Kompas Xneta so presenetili upravo Eurodesigna ter BEGOC-a s svojim profesionalnim odnosom, izvrstnim tehničnim znanjem ter prvovrstno izvedbo. Sabir Hagverdiyev - Service Delivery Manager Eurodesign CSC, Azerbajdžan

Bootcamp: "Najboljše izobraževanje ever! Ogromno izmenjave znanja med slušatelji in predavatelji, abnormalna količina novega znanja. Upam, da zadevo še kdaj ponovimo." Jure Klančar - Zavarovalnica Sava d.d.

Izbrana strokovna ekipa sistemskih administratorjev s svojim znanjem, izkušnjami posebej pa z odprtostjo predstavlja vitalni člen v verigi zagotavljanja zanesljivih IT rešitev. Jure Lakota - Direktor IT za regijo Toyota Adria d.o.o.

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