Courses for IT professionals

Enhancing Your IT Knowledge and Career

Our training center offers a wide range of courses designed for both beginners and experienced IT professionals. In addition to basic computer courses suitable for everyday users, we pride ourselves on a rich selection of specialized training for IT experts. The majority of our program consists of Microsoft Official Courses, which are recognized worldwide and serve as an excellent foundation for further professional development in the IT sector. We understand how important continuous improvement and acquiring new knowledge are in the rapidly evolving IT environment. Therefore, we are committed to providing up-to-date and practically oriented courses that not only impart theoretical knowledge but also equip participants with skills they can immediately apply in their professional lives. Our training programs are designed to encourage interactive learning, critical thinking, and the practical application of acquired knowledge.

What IT courses do we offer?

Our goal is to provide high-quality and relevant training that meets both the current demands of the job market and the individual ambitions of our participants.

Official Microsoft Courses

We are a Microsoft authorized training center, so the majority of our course offerings for IT professionals consist of Microsoft Official Courses, most of which can be covered by SA Training Vouchers. Typically, these courses are conducted in a traditional classroom setting under the guidance of an MCT (Microsoft Certified Trainer). If this mode of learning does not suit you and you would like access to learning materials at any time, we also offer Microsoft courses on demand. Through the Microsoft Learning as a Service (LaaS) program, we can provide various training packages for multi-layered learning, combining different learning methods and tools that are accessible at any time.

Masterclass Courses

Intensive advanced workshops led by internationally recognized experts are conducted at a high technical level and are aimed at experienced IT professionals. The majority of these workshops focus on IT security and management. We carry them out in collaboration with our partner, CQURE ACADEMY from Poland, founded by the world-renowned security expert Paula Januszkiewicz.

Other Courses

In the field of database education using SQL, we organize courses with top experts from SolidQ, which we conduct at our premises if there is sufficient interest. In addition to training for Microsoft technologies, our course calendar also features other current courses and workshops for IT professionals, such as Java programming, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, EmbRace R, and Python.

General information about the courses.

Courses are conducted in groups of up to 12 participants, led by a suitably certified instructor. Participation in the course, in addition to gaining knowledge through the integration of theory and practical examples, includes a manual in Slovenian, a pen, a notebook, a folder, refreshment drinks during breaks, and a light snack. After completing the training, participants receive a certificate of attendance, and we are available for one year after the course ends, offering free professional advice via phone or email. User courses run from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM in our modernly equipped classrooms at the company's headquarters in Ljubljana. We also organize courses for closed groups at the client’s location. More information and detailed instructions will be provided upon confirmation of the course execution.
On the list of courses.
In our training offerings in the field of Microsoft Office, you will find courses for the most relevant applications within this office suite that significantly simplify work for users, increase efficiency, and streamline work processes. With the Microsoft Excel course (beginner and advanced), you will enhance your skills in working with spreadsheets and large lists, properly organizing and analyzing them using advanced functions and tools. To professionally format documents using styles and other functionalities of Microsoft’s word processor, participate in the beginner or advanced Microsoft Word course. With Microsoft PowerPoint, you will learn how to create professional and attractive presentations. For more effective communication via email, managing contacts, organizing tasks, and calendars, choose the Microsoft Outlook course. In addition to classic Office applications, you can also participate in training for Microsoft Access, where you will gain a deeper understanding of working with simple databases and applications. If you are embarking on a new project but are facing challenges in its management and documentation, the Microsoft Project course will provide you with clear insights into the application's capabilities.
On the list of courses./a>
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I appreciate the support you gave to my team in Ashgabat and I was aware of the services you provide. I will certainly look for opportunities to work with you again. James Bulley - Chief Executive Trivandi

S Kompas Xnetom sodelujemo že vrsto let in vedno so se izkazali kot zanesljiv partner, ki zna prisluhniti željam in potrebam naročnika. Andreja Kerč - vodja kadrov Metronik d.o.o.

Nadgradnja in migracija vseh vsebin in rešitev na intranetnem portalu AJPES je bila izvedena brez težav in v dogovorjenih časovnih rokih. Zaradi navedenega izvajalca vsekakor priporočamo tudi drugim. Marjan Babič - Vodja IT službe, namestnik direktorja AJPES

Odziv udeležencev tečaja je bil zelo pozitiven, večina je tečaj ocenila kot koristen. Zadovoljni smo bili z vsebinsko izvedbo tečaja, pa tudi operativno, saj je tečaj potekal na sedežu našega podjetja. Anamari Šuštar - vodja administracije in kadrov Mimovrste

Kompas Xnet je profesionalno podjetje na najvišjem nivoju. Zanesljiv, profesionalni poslovni partner, ki stoji za svojimi obljubami. dr. Srečko Zupančič - Specialist področja in Janez Selak - Skrbnik IT sistemov - Krka d.d.

"Tečaj je bil zelo primeren za spoznavanje SQL DWN. Še posebej koristne so predavatelje izkušnje, ki mi lahko v prihodnosti privarčujejo marsikateri glavobol." Erik Žunec - Comtrade

Specialisti Kompas Xneta so presenetili upravo Eurodesigna ter BEGOC-a s svojim profesionalnim odnosom, izvrstnim tehničnim znanjem ter prvovrstno izvedbo. Sabir Hagverdiyev - Service Delivery Manager Eurodesign CSC, Azerbajdžan

Bootcamp: "Najboljše izobraževanje ever! Ogromno izmenjave znanja med slušatelji in predavatelji, abnormalna količina novega znanja. Upam, da zadevo še kdaj ponovimo." Jure Klančar - Zavarovalnica Sava d.d.

Izbrana strokovna ekipa sistemskih administratorjev s svojim znanjem, izkušnjami posebej pa z odprtostjo predstavlja vitalni člen v verigi zagotavljanja zanesljivih IT rešitev. Jure Lakota - Direktor IT za regijo Toyota Adria d.o.o.

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