Tečaj Automating Administration with PowerShell

Status: Unconfirmed

5 days (45 teaching hours)


Course ID: AZ040

Price: 1.250,00 € (VAT not included)

About the course

This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills to use PowerShell for administering and automating administration of Windows servers. This course provides students the skills to identify and build the command they require to perform a specific task. In addition, students learn how to build scripts to accomplish advanced tasks such as automating repetitive tasks and generating reports. This course provides prerequisite skills supporting a broad range of Microsoft products, including Windows Server, Windows Client, Microsoft Azure, and Microsoft 365. In keeping with that goal, this course will not focus on any one of those products, although Windows Server, which is the common platform for all of those products, will serve as the example for the techniques this course teaches.

Audience Profile

This course is intended for IT Professionals who are already experienced in general Windows Server, Windows client, Azure, and Microsoft 365 administration, and who want to learn more about using Windows PowerShell for administration. No prior experience with any version of PowerShell or any scripting language is assumed. This course is also suitable for IT Professionals already experienced in server administration, including Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft SharePoint Server, and Microsoft SQL Server.


Before attending this course, students must have:

  • Experience with Windows networking technologies and implementation.
  • Experience with Windows Server administration, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

Skills gained:

  • Describe the functionality of Windows PowerShell and use it to run and find basic commands.
  • Identify and run cmdlets for local system administration.
  • Work with the Windows PowerShell pipeline.
  • Use PSProviders and PSDrives to work with other forms of storage.
  • Query system information by using WMI and CIM.
  • Work with variables, arrays, and hash tables.
  • Create basic scripts in Windows PowerShell.
  • Administer remote computers with Windows PowerShell.
  • Manage Azure resources with PowerShell.
  • Manage Microsoft 365 services with PowerShell.
  • Use background jobs and scheduled jobs.

Course Syllabus

  • Get started with Windows PowerShell
  • Maintain system administration tasks in Windows PowerShell
  • Work with the Windows PowerShell pipeline
  • Work with PowerShell providers and PowerShell drives in Windows PowerShell
  • Query management information by using Common Information Model and Windows Management Instrumentation
  • Use variables, arrays, and hash tables in Windows PowerShell scripts
  • Create and modify scripts by using Windows PowerShell
  • Administer remote computers by using Windows PowerShell
  • Manage cloud resources by using Windows PowerShell
  • Manage Microsoft 365 services by using Windows PowerShell
  • Create and manage background jobs and scheduled jobs in Windows PowerShell


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