Microsoft SQL Server tečaj Querying Microsoft SQL Server with Transact-SQL

12.5. - 16.5.2025

Status: Confirmed

5 days (45 teaching hours)


Course ID: 55366AC

Price: 1.350,00 € (VAT not included)


About the course

This five-day instructor-led course is intended for IT professionals who wish to use the Transact-SQL language to query and configure Microsoft SQL Server. Students are typically database developers and database administrators, but might also be Business Intelligence developers, report creators, or application developers. In this course, students learn how to query single tables, join data from multiple tables, filter and sort data, modify data, use procedures and functions, and implement error handling.

Audience Profile

This course is intended for novice database developers, database administrators, Business Intelligence developers, report creators, and application developers who have an understanding of relational database concepts and have basic Windows navigation skills.

At Course Completion

  • Create single table SELECT queries
  • Create multiple table SELECT queries
  • Filter and sort data
  • Insert, update, and delete data
  • Query data using built-in functions
  • Create queries that aggregate data
  • Create subqueries
  • Create queries that use table expressions
  • Use UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT on multiple sets of data
  • Implement window functions in queries
  • Use PIVOT and GROUPING SETS in queries
  • Use stored procedures in queries
  • Add error handling to queries
  • Use transactions in queries


  • Basic understanding of relational databases.
  • Basic Windows knowledge.


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