Kompas Xnet is a leading Microsoft-authorized training center in Slovenia and the country's representative in the LLPA, an international association of top IT training centers. Our modern computer classrooms, equipped with in-house technical support, ensure excellent working conditions for the smooth running of courses.
Do you want to upgrade your basic computer skills, need training for using a specific application, or are you preparing to obtain a relevant certification? Our offerings include computer courses in Microsoft Office applications (Office 365, Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, MS Project, and Access) as well as advanced workshops for more demanding users.
If you're interested in more advanced IT knowledge, we also offer training for IT professionals who require specific skills. We specialize in Microsoft technologies, where you can choose from traditional classroom courses, online learning with Microsoft on-demand courses, or a combination of modern learning methods and tools through our LaaS (Learning as a Service) program.
In addition to regular scheduled courses, we also offer customized workshops for companies and individual computer training, which can take place in our classrooms or at the client's location. In such cases, the content, format, and timing of the training are fully tailored to the client's needs.
In collaboration with external partners, we also organize training in business IT that covers methodologies for service management and project management in IT, such as ITIL, PRINCE, SCRUM, and project management based on recommendations and best practices from PMI PMBOK.
Flexibility and our customer-oriented approach have taught us to adapt quickly in unpredictable situations. The modern workplace is evolving rapidly. Teams are distributed across various geographical areas, and new business models, along with the right digital tools, connect and support employees, regardless of where education, productivity, engagement, and collaboration are fostered.
CertNexus offers certifications for professionals in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, the Internet of Things (IoT), data science, and data ethics. Kompas Xnet is proud to be a partner of CertNexus and to provide their official curriculum to prepare for the exams.
Kompas Xnet is an authorized Certiport and Pearson VUE testing center where you can take exams to verify general computer skills and advanced IT knowledge exams intended for IT professionals.
For any additional information, please contact: izpiti@kompas-xnet.si
At the Certiport testing center, you can take exams to obtain certifications in general computer skills, primarily for Microsoft Office (MOS Specialist, Expert) programs, as well as Adobe, AutoDesk, Entrepreneurship and Small Business, IC3, Toon Boom, and QuickBooks.
At the Pearson VUE testing center, you can take exams designed for IT professionals, as successful completion requires advanced knowledge in the field of information technology. In addition to Microsoft exams, you can also take exams from various other providers, such as IBM, Cisco, GMAC, APICS, PDDM, and many more. You can view the complete list here.
Kompas Xnet is an authorized testing center for PSI. On behalf of PSI, we conduct computer-based testing for a variety of professional and academic exams, such as ISACA, GARP, BCEN, and others.
Please note that Kompas Xnet operates solely as a provider of the testing environment and oversees the administration of exams in accordance with the provider's terms.
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What do our clients and attendees say about us?
I appreciate the support you gave to my team in Ashgabat and I was aware of the services you provide. I will certainly look for opportunities to work with you again. James Bulley - Chief Executive Trivandi
S Kompas Xnetom sodelujemo že vrsto let in vedno so se izkazali kot zanesljiv partner, ki zna prisluhniti željam in potrebam naročnika. Andreja Kerč - vodja kadrov Metronik d.o.o.
Nadgradnja in migracija vseh vsebin in rešitev na intranetnem portalu AJPES je bila izvedena brez težav in v dogovorjenih časovnih rokih. Zaradi navedenega izvajalca vsekakor priporočamo tudi drugim. Marjan Babič - Vodja IT službe, namestnik direktorja AJPES
Odziv udeležencev tečaja je bil zelo pozitiven, večina je tečaj ocenila kot koristen. Zadovoljni smo bili z vsebinsko izvedbo tečaja, pa tudi operativno, saj je tečaj potekal na sedežu našega podjetja. Anamari Šuštar - vodja administracije in kadrov Mimovrste
Kompas Xnet je profesionalno podjetje na najvišjem nivoju. Zanesljiv, profesionalni poslovni partner, ki stoji za svojimi obljubami. dr. Srečko Zupančič - Specialist področja in Janez Selak - Skrbnik IT sistemov - Krka d.d.
"Tečaj je bil zelo primeren za spoznavanje SQL DWN. Še posebej koristne so predavatelje izkušnje, ki mi lahko v prihodnosti privarčujejo marsikateri glavobol." Erik Žunec - Comtrade
Specialisti Kompas Xneta so presenetili upravo Eurodesigna ter BEGOC-a s svojim profesionalnim odnosom, izvrstnim tehničnim znanjem ter prvovrstno izvedbo. Sabir Hagverdiyev - Service Delivery Manager Eurodesign CSC, Azerbajdžan
Bootcamp: "Najboljše izobraževanje ever! Ogromno izmenjave znanja med slušatelji in predavatelji, abnormalna količina novega znanja. Upam, da zadevo še kdaj ponovimo." Jure Klančar - Zavarovalnica Sava d.d.
Izbrana strokovna ekipa sistemskih administratorjev s svojim znanjem, izkušnjami posebej pa z odprtostjo predstavlja vitalni člen v verigi zagotavljanja zanesljivih IT rešitev. Jure Lakota - Direktor IT za regijo Toyota Adria d.o.o.
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