Microsoft Azure tečaj Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions

Status: Nepotrjen

4 dni (36 pedagoških ur)


Course Id: AZ305

Price: 1.250,00 € (brez. DDV)


About this course

This course teaches Azure Solution Architects how to design infrastructure solutions. Course topics cover governance, compute, application architecture, storage, data integration, authentication, networks, business continuity, and migrations. The course combines lecture with case studies to demonstrate basic architect design principles.

Audience Profile

Successful students have experience and knowledge in IT operations, including networking, virtualization, identity, security, business continuity, disaster recovery, data platforms, and governance. Students also have experience designing and architecting solutions.

Skills gained:

  • Design a governance solution.
  • Design a compute solution.
  • Design an application architecture.
  • Design storage, non-relational and relational.
  • Design data integration solutions.
  • Design authentication, authorization, and identity solutions.
  • Design network solutions.
  • Design backup and disaster recovery solutions.
  • Design monitoring solutions.
  • Design migration solutions.


Before attending this course, students must have previous experience deploying or administering Azure resources and strong conceptual knowledge of:

  • Azure Active Directory
  • Azure compute technologies such as VMs, containers and serverless solutions
  • Azure virtual networking to include load balancers
  • Azure Storage technologies (unstructured and databases)
  • General application design concepts such as messaging and high availability


This training prepares you for:

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