Tečaj PRINCE2 Foundation

Status: Nepotrjen

3 dni (24 pedagoških ur)

Course Id: PRIN2

Price: 1.450,00 € (brez. DDV)


PRINCE2® stands for PRojects IN Controlled Environment. This course teaches a basic knowledge and understanding of Project Management and project-based work, according to the PRINCE2® methodology. Delegates will be able to contribute more effectively as a member of a Project Team.


  • Maximise your potential by contributing to Projects in an effective way
  • Improve the success rate of Projects through completing on time and meeting defined quality deliverables
  • Candidates who are successful in the examination will attain the industry recognised Foundation Certificate in Project Management – a measure of their capability and performance


  • A basic knowledge and understanding of project management and project-based work
  • Identified the difference between a project and a process
  • Been introduced to the components, processes and techniques of PRINCE2® and the relationships that bind them together

Target group:

  • Project Managers & Project Directors
  • Project Coordinators & Project Support Staff
  • Project Officers
  • Project Team Leaders & Team Members
  • Programme / Project Management Office Staff
  • Project Business Analysts
  • Project Schedulers
  • Change Managers


There are no formal criteria or pre-requisites for candidates wishing to attend this course, though some familiarity with Project Management terminology and an appreciation of their own business environment is strongly recommended.

Cena certifikacije je vključena v ceno.

The PRINCE2® courses on this page are offered by ITSM CENTER d.o.o. ATO/Affiliate of AXELOS Limited. PRINCE® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.


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