Microsoft je potrdil naš uspeh!
Izjemno ponosni smo, da je, poleg slovenske podružnice, tudi korporacija Microsoft priznala spletno stran NT konference 2010, za zelo uspešen projekt.
Na podlagi posredovane dokumentacije in poročil naročnika projekta, to je Microsoft Slovenija, je komisija ugotovila, da spletna stran NT konference 2010 zasluži svoje mesto med študijskimi primeri uspešnih projektov in je tako za zgled učinkovite uporabe Microsoftove tehnologije Windows AZURE.
The Slovenian solutions integrator Kompas Xnet was contracted to develop a website for the NT Konferenca 2010, an annual IT conference held in Slovenia and attended by more than 2,000 IT professionals. The company needed to build a website that attendees and administrators could use to help manage conference registration, events, billing, and security, while avoiding both high costs and connectivity issues that had interrupted the availability of the site during previous conferences. Kompas Xnet used the Windows Azure platformfrom Microsoft to develop a website that delivered greater functionality and high availability at a reduced cost. By using Windows Azure, Kompas Xnet contributed to the success of NT Konferenca 2010. The company can now deliver new services and reach new customers, while streamlining its development and management processes.
Podrobnosti o projektu najdete na Microsoftovi spletni strani.
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