Microsoft SharePoint tečaj SharePoint Online Power User

6.5. - 9.5.2025

Status: Unconfirmed

4 days (36 teaching hours)


Course ID: 55215

Price: 1.250,00 € (VAT not included)

About this course

This course delivers the complete site owner story from start to finish in an engaging and practical way to ensure you have the confidence to plan and create new sites or manage your existing sites in SharePoint Online.

Audience profile

This course is intended for both novice and experienced SharePoint users who wish to make full use of SharePoint Online.

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the benefits of using SharePoint in real world scenarios.
  • Create new SharePoint sites to store business information.
  • Create pages to share news and documents.
  • Customize the structure of a site to meet specific business requirements.
  • Create and mange view, columns and apps.
  • Manage the security of a site.
  • Use social tools to communicate with groups of people or the entire organization.
  • Use search to find business information including people to documents.


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