Tečaj Microsoft AI for business leaders

Status: Nepotrjen

1 dan (7 pedagoških ur)

Course Id: AI-3017

Price: 420,00 € (brez. DDV)


About the course

In this learning path, business leaders will find the knowledge and resources to adopt AI in their organizations. It explores planning, strategizing, and scaling AI projects in a responsible way.


  • Basic understanding of IT concepts.
  • Basic understanding of business concepts.


Leverage AI tools and resources for your business

  • This module provides a high-level overview of the primary concepts of AI and the technologies behind it. You’ll learn how Microsoft is embedding AI into tools, products, and services that can be used by organizations.

Create business value from AI

  • This module is designed to help you plan your AI strategy and adopt an AI-ready culture. It proposes a framework to drive that change in your organization.

Scale AI in your organization

  • This module provides insights for a full adoption of AI in your organization. It covers AI strategy, assigning responsibilities, and empowering business users and subject matter experts so they can use AI themselves.


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